What are the 5 stages of the hype cycle?

 What are the 5 stages of the hype cycle?

The five stages of the hype cycle, as defined by Gartner, are as follows:

  1. Technology Trigger: The first stage represents the introduction of a new technology or innovation that attracts attention and generates excitement. This stage is characterized by media hype, early proof-of-concept demonstrations, and a lot of enthusiasm surrounding the potential of the technology.

  2. Peak of Inflated Expectations: In this stage, expectations and excitement about the technology reach their peak. There is often excessive optimism and inflated expectations about the capabilities and potential impact of the technology. However, the actual implementation and practical use of the technology may still be limited.

  3. Trough of Disillusionment: As reality sets in, the technology fails to meet the exaggerated expectations, leading to a decline in enthusiasm and disillusionment. This stage is marked by disappointment, skepticism, and a focus on the technology's limitations and challenges. Some early adopters may face difficulties and setbacks during this phase.

  4. Slope of Enlightenment: In this stage, a more realistic understanding of the technology begins to emerge. Lessons are learned from the initial hype and disappointment, leading to improved practical implementations and a better understanding of the technology's potential benefits and limitations. The technology starts to mature, and successful use cases and best practices emerge.

  5. Plateau of Productivity: The final stage represents the technology's widespread acceptance and integration into mainstream applications. The technology becomes well understood, stable, and widely adopted. It delivers value and benefits across various industries, and its potential is realized on a broader scale. This stage is characterized by steady growth and a focus on optimizing and refining the technology for practical applications.

It's important to note that the duration and progression through these stages can vary for different technologies and innovations. The hype cycle provides a framework for understanding the adoption and maturity of technologies over time.

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